- Landless labourers
- Farmer’s association
- Small farmers
- NGOs
- KVK (krishi Vikas Kendras)
- Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI)
- Artisans
- Bank branches etc.
- No collateral
- Group loan
- Members should do a common business
- Each member stand as a guarantee for every other member in the group
- Like SHGs are for women mostly, JLGs are for men but a woman can also be its member
- Each member monitors the other members of the group
- It a member fails to give his share the others have to pay for him
- The members of the group learn to handle finances with discipline
- Meeting are held at regular intervals
- Both Above Poverty Line(APL) and Below Poverty Line(BPL) benefit from this scheme
- Peer pressure ensures every member in the group pays
- Only one member of a family is allowed in a particular JLG
- Group dynamics are used within the group
- To provide self employment by providing financial assistance
- Loans provided to poorer sections of society i.e landless labourers, small farmers, artisans etc.
- Useful to farmers in the areas where average land holdings are decreasing, especially in Haryana and Punjab
- Help build confidence in farmers and lowering of credit risk
SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL LOANS – Separate loans are given by the bank and each group member has a shared liability that all the individual loans are paid on time. Maximum size is up to 10 members only.A SINGLE GROUP LOAN- A combined credit loan is given according to the requirements of the group. Maximum size can go up to 20 members.
Rs. 50,000/- per individual in both the models mentioned aboveNABARD – SCHEME OF JLGs
- NABARD announced JLGs on 24 February 2014 based on the concept of SHGs
- It provides refinance to the banks that give loans to JLGs
- JLGs focus on credit and SHGs focus on savings
- JLGs have smaller groups(consisting mostly men) whereas SHGs have larger groups(consisting mostly women)
- JLG members directly interact with financial institutions whereas SHGs have a more formal structure like there is a treasurer, secretary etc
- SHGs were introduced before JLGs
- JLGs put more money in the economy unlike SHGs which are only savings oriented
- SHGs don’t help in poverty alleviation whereas JLGs does
- Sometimes a high rate of interest is charged and the group is unable to save for the business they are involved in
- Sometimes the money lent is used for some other purpose other than the one for which it was sanctioned
- Sometimes the maximum limit of members exceeds and it is difficult to manage such a large group of people